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IOT door plate


IOT Door Plate

the IoT door plate is a remotely updatable digital 

tag that shows the status of a room, office or occupant in order to increase efficiency of work and reduce the chance of inconvenience.

Project Background

We discovered in many public offices that usual have many visitors e.g. government public service offices, school teacher's offices and public hospital offices; the visitors are usually faced with inconvenience when the office attendants are unavailable because they are oblivious to the where about of the office attendants o when they might return to the office and end up having to wait for hours without a clue of whether they will be served or not. we decided to tackle this problem by creating a device that gives visitor information on the office door. the information can be remotely updated by the office occupant using their mobile phone from anywhere in the world by means of IoT. for instance, if a public office attendant happens to be on sick leave, and is unable to attend to visitor at his/her office that day, the officer can simply update IoT door plate from the comfort of their own home with a message such as "on leave" or "unavailable" so that vistors may not have to wait in oblivion.

Market Analysis

market channel

our product is mainly targeted towards public office building owners (especially governments of developing countries) sin this is where the problem is most prominent. all the parts of the product can easily be procured and assembled in the target market countries or in a central country with easy access channels to other countries. besides that any other interested customer would be able to purchase the product. online and have it delivered to them


The target market allows us to sell in bulk and if sold in bulk the price can be easily reduced to fit the budget of these governments whilst still maintaining profits.


Similar Product

after some research, we are currently unaware of any digital product similar to ours but in most cases, manually adjustable door tags are used. our product is much more efficient than the traditionally manually adjusted door tags because it can be remotely updated in any way.

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